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Armstrong Economics 101

There Are No Coincidences – Why History Repeats

QUESTION: Martin Today is Palm Sunday. In mass, they said HE colluded with the Galilean’s. HE was found innocent by the Council. They said HE was a tax evader....

Hard Landing

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have a question that might interest not just me but also other blog Readers: In your blog Posts you write that you expect that we...

The Marijuana Tax – How Did it Become Illegal & Why?

  Marijuana has been prejudiced over the years by people who have never understood the risks and because there was concern that marijuana might compete with...

Fear of Inflation & Sterilization

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you were friends with Milton Friedman. Do you agree with his view that the Great Depression was caused in part by the Fed refusing to...

Debt & the Point of No Return

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; First I want to thank you for coming to Europe this year. It has been some time since your Berlin Conference. My question is simple. How...

You Still Have to Feed a Parking Meter if you Park your Elephant

I use to live in London and I was taking some photos in a Royal Park on a Sunday. The police told me if I was going to take one more photo he would confiscate my...

Keeping it Simple Keeps you Stupid

There was a 14th-century Franciscan friar by the name of William of Ockham who is credited with having formalized the principle that “simpler solutions are...

Our Flawed Monetary System & Why it is Doomed

QUESTION: You mentioned that Rome had no national debt and no central bank. Exactly how did it function for 1,000 years? JY ANSWER: In addition to not having a...