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Armstrong Economics 101

The Fallacy of MMT

QUESTION: These economists who propose this MMT claim that since the U.S. borrows in its own currency, it can print dollars to cover its obligations, and can’t go...

How Did Socrates do at the 1929 High?

QUESTION: You said Socrates has been back tested. What did it write technical the day of the high in 1929? PO ANSWER: It has learned from all the data globally....

Socrates’ Forecasts Are Already Identifying the Approach of a New Business Cycle

  The Socrates’ Array on Vancouver real estate published back in 2015 picked the high in 2017 and the crash into 2019. The high in the top line was...

The Solution

  COMMENT: If every 16-year-old school student had to write a thousand-word essay on this presentation the world as we know it would change miraculously...

Fashions Turning to Civil Unrest for Inspiration

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am in the fashion industry and it becomes painfully obvious that there are cycles in fashion. You have mentioned before the economic...

Warren Buffett Loses Billions

QUESTION: It is no secret that you went head to head against Warren Buffett in his silver manipulation. He is having a very bad year with his buy and hold value...

Elon Musk’s War with the SEC

The SEC has moved to hold Elon Musk in contempt in their favorite court – the Southern District of New York. This has been a battle against the SEC whereby...

Funds Management & Trading – Behind the Curtain

QUESTION: Hello I read all your blogs and prescribe to your market reports. I will now attend my first event in Rome. For me it all makes sense. My questions is,...

Capitalism – Oligarchies – Socialism

COMMENT #1: Hey Marty, I’ve never written you in this vein, but (always extremely talented) rich guys saying “Let the chips fall, free market...

Seeking the Death Penalty

I have been asked whether I support the death penalty or if I am a liberal on that issue. The government acts as if it is NEVER wrong. It is EXCEPTIONALLY RARE for...