QUESTION: These economists who propose this MMT claim that since the U.S. borrows in its own currency, it can print dollars to cover its obligations, and can’t go...
QUESTION: You said Socrates has been back tested. What did it write technical the day of the high in 1929? PO ANSWER: It has learned from all the data globally....
COMMENT: If every 16-year-old school student had to write a thousand-word essay on this presentation the world as we know it would change miraculously...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am in the fashion industry and it becomes painfully obvious that there are cycles in fashion. You have mentioned before the economic...
QUESTION: It is no secret that you went head to head against Warren Buffett in his silver manipulation. He is having a very bad year with his buy and hold value...
The SEC has moved to hold Elon Musk in contempt in their favorite court – the Southern District of New York. This has been a battle against the SEC whereby...
QUESTION: Hello I read all your blogs and prescribe to your market reports. I will now attend my first event in Rome. For me it all makes sense. My questions is,...
I have been asked whether I support the death penalty or if I am a liberal on that issue. The government acts as if it is NEVER wrong. It is EXCEPTIONALLY RARE for...