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Armstrong Economics 101

Individual v Institutional Portfolio

QUESTION: Martin, in today’s answer re: Asset Allocation you had mentioned of helping a couple of large funds prepare for what is to come.Was wondering if we...

Asset Allocation

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, First of all I enjoyed your 2018 Share Market Report and I am looking forward to your video updates. I am one of those retired investors with...

Conservative v Trader

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I know my friend sent an email to you and is finally listening only after racking up losses. I explained how I followed you since 2015 and...

Monetary Policy is a Complete Failure? Will Shutting Down the Fed Solve All the Problems?

I recently did an interview and was asked about the Federal Reserve. There is so much absolute nonsense sophistry that circulates where people think that ending the...

Progress Report on Socrates Project

  This is an update of the Socrates Project. The outsourcing of front-end redesign is nearly complete. We are getting closer to release. This project has taken...

How Do We Really Forecast the Future?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is obvious that you have indeed been behind the curtain for your knowledge of even global politics is amazing. Kim Jong Un is here in...

Are Cycle Inversions a Precursor to a Change in Trend

QUESTION: Dear Martin In my own study of cycles, I have observed that cycle inversions occur more often than not at a time when the trend in that time frame is...

If Computers Replaced Politicians – Could it Get Any Worse?

COMMENT: I really do not know what it’s gonna take for you to get the Noble Price for something. Your computer is amazing. The market crashes the week of the...

Is their a Social Cycle in Attitudes?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your article of the whole issue of prostitution. The entire problem is that some western women assume that all prostitutes engage in...

When Timing is Everything – The Failed Graf Zeppelin Venture

Timing is everything. When an economy turns, big projects that looked like they were going to be winners suddenly lose big time. That was the case when a world tour...