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Armstrong Economics 101

Understanding the Reversals

QUESTION: Martin, Last week, we had elected the weekly reversals at 24741.6 and 24395. Yesterday, we briefly recaptured, then re-lost those levels again. Do weekly...

Conflict between Fiscal & Monetary Policy

We are moving into a crisis of monumental proportions. There has been a serious fundamental problem infecting economic policy on a global scale. This conflict has...

The First Step is Admitting a Mistake

QUESTION:  Marty, Friends and Princeton Economics Staff, I’ve certainly had a Hate and Love relationship with you over the past few years.! I’ve...

The Transitional Flight to Quality

QUESTION: Hey Martin, … My question is: is there an influence of the Dow at this moment on the cryptocurrency market and the precious metal market? As you...

Indulgences & Protestant Reformation v Banking

QUESTION: Hi Martin–   The Christian Reformation of 1517 was the springboard for the development of western civilization. Most scholars focus on the...

The Nature of Panics

I have been asked my “opinion” with respect to the existence of a Collective unconscious in terms of the Carl Gustav Jung (1875 – 1961), who...

The Third & Fourth Reversal

Many have asked for some clarification on the Reversal System and how we use it to ascertain changes in real trend. As stated previously, trend changes ONLY on the...

Why are We All So Confused?

The three major distinctions in following what we do boils down to Multidimensional analysis merged with TIME and then PRICE. The Arrays give us a good sense of...

Elizabeth I Two-Tier Monetary System

QUESTION: You have mentioned that the US maintained a two-tier monetary system with trade dollars during the 19th century. Did Britain ever do the same or was the...

Vertical Market are the Most Difficult to Trade Even With 30 Years Experience

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I want to thank you for the great advice some months back, “Do not short this market”, I took your advice. I day trade, and other...