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Armstrong Economics 101

What Fields Will Survive Going Forward?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, You are a clever man and all the best to you.  I am a 43 yr old man that is still looking for his way in life.  In short, knowing what you...

Texas Shooter & Gun Control

QUESTION: You do not think that control will stop these school shootings? JF ANSWER: No way. If you do look on Wikipedia, you will see that we are approaching 500...

Day Trading & the Rogue Wave

COMMENT: Hello. I know that although the current level of Socrates is not designed for day trading, but as a professional daytrader even this level is still...

What Really Causes Inflation & Deflation?

QUESTION: why national debts eventually default Martin to answer this question you said: we need to introduce currency. France and Germany were less impacted by...

Keeping the Private Blog – Private

COMMENT: Thank you for the Private Blog. It keeps the rift-raft out. They can bash you all they want and claim you only forecast long-term trends. Yor call on the...

Is the Vertical Market Over or Just Beginning?

QUESTION: Thanks for the update. So it looks like the Vertical Market in the Dow will extend into the end of this cycle 2032 as you warned it could do. Correct? EK...

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Trump v Obama Trillion Dollar Deficits

QUESTION: You ignore that Trump will create a deficit of a trillion in one year with his tax cuts for the rich. What do you have to say about that one! HT ANSWER:...

Bernie Proposed Everyone Gets a Job & Free Healthcare

  You really have to wonder just when will these people stop with the promises of robbing the rich to hand out free everything to everyone else. Bernie Sanders...

CURIOSITY that is the key to Everything

COMMENT: Sorry, the question being, how could it or could it be possible for, people first-time buyers, and foreign buyers to all happily own houses while...