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Armstrong Economics 101

Vertical Market are the Most Difficult to Trade Even With 30 Years Experience

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I want to thank you for the great advice some months back, “Do not short this market”, I took your advice. I day trade, and other...

Can We Stop the Government Borrowing & Just Print Without Inflation?

The conservatives are going nuts about raising the debt ceiling as if this really matters. They claim: “The United States is effectively bankrupt, but that...

Quantity Theory of Money (QTM) & Its Failure

QUESTION: I am most interested in your revisionist view of QTM. You debunk QTM frequently within broader topic discussions, but I’d love for you to address...

Do Commitment of Traders & Inventories Really Matter?

QUESTION: Do you think that the Commitment of Traders and reported inventories are relevant to gauge market performance? ANSWER: The oldest game in town is...

RULE #1 – Never Marry the Trade

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; The goldbugs hate you for calling the top and a bear market. To my surprise, I searched Money Week here in London and it came up with an...

Government Shutdowns – Just Politics?

The Trump was preparing for at least a weekend-long partial government shutdown Friday night, expressing little confidence that Congress could pass a bill by the...

Politically Correct Trading – A Whole New Challenge

QUESTION: Martin.. I have been trading /investing for over 20 plus years. How can one be in the markets and survive if the “biggest  Safest  Banks” ...

Does the Gov’t Seek to keep the public Blind, Deaf, and Dumb?

COMMENT: I watched the Forecaster after ordering the DVD from Amazon. Aside from the fact that it brought tears to my and my wife’s eyes, your forecasts on...

The Cycle of Disease – It’s Just our Time

COMMENT: Sir, It’s interesting, since your post on Madagascar and the pneumonic plague, I have Surveilled a site dealing with medical news once a week....

The Precision of Markets is Beyond Belief – But It is Why The Majority is Always Wrong

COMMENT: Marty; I really do not know how anyone cannot recognize what you have discovered. The euro began its breakout precisely on your target of the ECM on...