COMMENT: I watched the Forecaster after ordering the DVD from Amazon. Aside from the fact that it brought tears to my and my wife’s eyes, your forecasts on...
COMMENT: Sir, It’s interesting, since your post on Madagascar and the pneumonic plague, I have Surveilled a site dealing with medical news once a week....
COMMENT: Marty; I really do not know how anyone cannot recognize what you have discovered. The euro began its breakout precisely on your target of the ECM on...
QUESTION: Martin, I took your advice back in November about a potential January DJ high and it has paid off for me well. I am a small-time personal investor and am...
Culture is changing and much seems to be reverting back to the way it was before Socialism. Before the 1930s, there was typically a large age difference between...
QUESTION: Mr. Armsyrong; Thank you for an eye-opening conference. Can’t wait for this year. You said 2018 was a Panic Cycle Year and that it would be unlikely...
TIME is more than just money; it’s absolutely everything and then some! Personal opinion just utterly fails because we are all human. Markets routinely do...
COMMENT: They use to call you Mr. Yen. They also called you the manipulator of the world. Then it was the legend. Now they will call you Mr. Dow. All the best SJ...
QUESTION: What is your opinion of Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg idea of universal income? ANSWER: The idea of free money being touted by Elon Musk and Mark...