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Armstrong Economics 101

Happy New Year South & North America

  It is finally Here – 2018. This is when the real fun begins this year moving into...

What Did the Pivots Confirm or Deny for 2017?

QUESTION: Marty; At your training seminar you did a couple of year’s ago, you said your pivot numbers will confirm or deny a high. What was the status on the...

This Flu Season Begins the Risk of a Pandemic 2018-2019

A possible new pandemic is forming from a deadly strain of flu emerging from Australia and will be headed to the UK as the normal flow of travels would take it....

Venezuela Oil Industry Collapsing & May Take the Gov’t With It

Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserve in the world. However, they are out of gasoline. The government has attributed this to poor management which has led to...

BRICS the Rise & Fall

The first thing to go when a country is moving into economic crisis is the arts. This is intermixed with various social programs. As the economic crisis broadens,...

Merry Christmas 2017

Merry Christmas to all from myself and all the people here at Armstrong Economics and around the...


QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Up here in Canada, the politicians seem to not even talk about the NAFTA agreement being changed by Trump. Has something taken place behind...

Are Democrats/Left-Wing Parties Really Marxists?

QUESTION: Why do you paint the left/Democrats as really being Marxist? OP ANSWER: Marx is the one that started the entire focus on the class warfare. Keep in mind...