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Armstrong Economics 101

Einstein – Relativity – Markets

QUESTION: Marty; I watched the National Geographic special called Genius on the life of Einstein. I could not help but see the parallel with you from fighting the...

Welcome to Deflation

People are just starting to grasp why deflation is also present in the USA. Despite all the screaming about Quantitative Easing, most remain confused why...

Asset v Money

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I am a long time reader and so appreciate your daily blogs, You have taught me so much about the global interconnectivity of markets and human...

Communism Began During the French Revolution in 1793

QUESTION: Good morning Martin,recently you stated communism originated in France was wondering if you could give us a short history on that sometime.Keep up the...

Mutual Funds versus ETF’S

  People are waking-up to the fact that they can substitute the expensive Asset Manager fees by doing it themselves. There are many ways but here we...

If the Majority Must Always Be Wrong – Can that Ever Change?

QUESTION: I find it interesting that you say the majority must always be wrong. I read Kenneth Rogoff’s comment on Davos and how the predictions there are...

How Small Events Can Cascade into Contagions

  COMMENT: Dear Martin Armstrong, This very unusual video about dominoes is 2½ minute and shows how a small domino can knock over big ones. I remember you...

Changing Cycle Frequencies Produces Different Effects

QUESTION: Marty, I’m glad that you’ve showed a couple of examples in the past few articles, as per how you apply ECM and volatility cycle waves to...

Federal Reserve & Elastic Money & NY Clearing House Certificates

QUESTION: Why do you support the fed in what you call elastic money and not a gold standard? ANSWER: As usual, you listen to the nonsense about how the Fed is owned...

Democrats Count of Press to Blame Trump if Social Security Defaults Temporarily

The Debt Ceiling issue is back and of course people will sell the dollar as if the USA would actually default. The bulk of the debt is owned by the government so...