It is very interesting how the 2017.9 (Nov 24/25) turning point on the Economic Confidence Model has marked a most astonishing political event. The House...
QUESTION: Hi Marty, You say, “The one-size-fits-all policy of central banks with regard to interest rates pits East v West in both Canada and the United...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Nickolas Tesla’s work agrees with your analysis. He said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of...
COMMENT: The market is always wrong, if all people had all information the eurodollar would not move like in casino in either short or long period, it would be...
QUESTION: You wrote: “Once you begin to see the entire universe is governed by the 8.6 frequency, the doors to a hidden order spring wide open.” What...
Some Archaeologists in France with the National Center for Scientific Research announced that they have unearthed a hoard of 2,200 silver deniers and oboles, 21...
The Turning Point on the ECM is this weekend. We do happen to have a Directional Change next week in the Dow with the next turning point due the week of...
COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Really glad that you again warn us of impending famine moving into 2020 – 2030 and give us ample time to prepare though...