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Armstrong Economics 101

The Fish Bowl Economy & Academics

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I hope you’re doing well. Having been a follower of yours for some time now, and been enlightened from that, I am ever in your debt for...

Great Alignment

QUESTION: You said in the last gold video that ——— could be the possible big turning point in gold.  Do you also see ——— (or...

Greenspan Sees Inflation or Stagflation? There is a Difference!

QUESTION #1: Marty, Greenspan reads you without a doubt. You warned back in 2012 that we have to be concerned about the USA moving into stagflation with deflation...

The Coming Dark Age

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for the time you are spending to educate the public about what it really going on. I have followed your work for years, from...

Opinion Infected by Bias

QUESTION: Marty; Why do you say your opinion is not worth much? You have been around for some time and you are the only analyst to have been behind the curtain. If...

The Infamous Labor Day Event in Markets

Of course, the 1929 high took place on September 3rd, the day everyone came back on Tuesday following the summer holidays. It has been a long-standing joke that...

New Video – How to Used the Global Market Watch

How to use the Global Market Watch...

How Socialism Destroyed the Family Structure

The very core tenet of Marxism and its two versions called socialism and communism is to actually replace the family structure. In Russian communism, Stalin was...

Artificial Intelligence Computers Replacing Lawyers

The trend toward replacing opinion-oriented fields like analysis is also taking root in medicine as well as law. The new computer named ‘ROSS’ is an AI...

Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning

CRITICISM: The Computer has no bias or imput? Which is impossible: a computer needs information or facts to make decisions. Unfortunately, ‘facts’ are...