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Armstrong Economics 101

If Everyone Followed Socrates Would Anything Change?

QUESTION: Hello, Mr. Armstrong. Some years back, I asked what would happen if everyone knew about the ECM. You provided an answer on your blog. Now, that the...

What if Everyone Followed Socrates?

QUESTION: What if everyone followed Socrates? ANSWER: That would never happen. It is like saying that everyone would vote either Democratic or Republican, or that...

More than Just Buy or Sell – The World Beyond

Visiting the Jail Cell Where Socrates Died COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Just spent the night in the ER with one of my kids. Waited hours for the results of the CT head...


QUESTION: What do I need to read to understand the basics about your models, and being able to use this? I’m very interested in using your models to guide me...

The Week in Review – July 11, 2016

The world economy is clearly causing the fundamentalists to flip-flop endlessly. They offer only opinions, and these are the times that will break the reasoning of...

Understand the Models – Bringing it All Together

QUESTION: Marty; You do not reply just on cycles. Your Reversal System is incredible. That seems to be something nobody can match. Then you also use your...

Question About Time

QUESTION: Dear Martin,  I have been following your projection of numbers and time, which is a serious tool to use as guidance. The question that keeps coming up is...

Free Market v Central Bank

We are beginning to see interest rates rise globally in the free market. After BREXIT exposed the crisis in Europe, the rates began to rise in the peripherals. That...

The Sixth Wave

QUESTION: Marty; You do realize you correctly forecast the takeover boom and the reversal in trend in 1985 followed by the peak of Japan to the day and the fall of...

Understanding the Global Market Watch

The Global Market Watch (GMW) is only an advisory tool. It is not something to trade on by itself. It is merely a system designed to be an alert. We were...