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Armstrong Economics 101

A Song That Explains Life & the Battle we All Face Even as a Society

What we all face ahead is a struggle. It will take courage and understanding to survive. How our story ends is yet to be seen. All we can do is recognize what is at...

The Catastrophic Mismanagement of the Economy & The Coming Meltdown

We are finishing up the “Pension Crisis – The Next Nightmare,” which is a special report outlining the next global meltdown....

Communism vs. Left-Wing Beliefs

There are some left-wing people in Western Europe who argue that Communists are not represented in politics and this is somehow unfair. They do not understand that...

Economic Systems & Corporations Explained

New Zealand Explains ...

Cycles & Sports

Everything has a cycle. The difference between the Triple Crown and Villanova is that it was actually substantial. In the case of the Triple Crown, nobody won it in...

Villanova Wins on Pi

I am not a sports fan. I do not even have time for TV. However, I am a student of cyclical patterns. When it came to the Triple Crown, I looked at the cyclical...

Understanding Forecasting

QUESTION: Marty, I think your recent gold call has made me understand your model much better. Your timing is the key. You gave the weekly Bullish at 1287.50 in your...

Socialist — Fascist — Communist

I have been asked to explain the differences between socialism, fascism, and communism for some people seem to mix them all up. A “socialist” is akin to...

Politically Correct Insanity

“The Associated Press Stylebook” lists all the “politically correct” terms you should use. The term “Islamist” is now defined as...

Markets in Review for the Close of Q1 2016

When you have a consistent system that is running on absolutely everything around the world, you can simply look at it dispassionately and judge everything by the...