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Armstrong Economics 101

COMPLEXITY = You Cannot Manipulate What You Cannot Forecast

COMMENT: Marty; I do not know how you have accomplished creating your model with such extreme accuracy regarding numbers and time, but I do believe you have proven...

Is There a Frequency to Terrorism?

QUESTION: Martin, so on this thread topic “Are Terrorist Attacks Following the 8.6 Year Frequency?” As they say hindsight is 20/20… and you are...

Are Terrorist Attacks Following the 8.6-Year Frequency?

We have many readers in Brussels who have my sincere sympathy for what is taking place in Europe. I have hesitated to be an alarmist with this aspect of our war...

Is it Government or Oligarchs?

QUESTION: Martin, I am a capitalist and what we have today is the least efficient form of capitalism. Actually it is quite a destructive and dangerous form of...

Dutch Do Not Tolerate Freedom of Speech

The Dutch are destroying the last vestiges of our liberty under the pretense of protecting it. They are putting a right-wing Dutch politician named Geert Wilders on...

Why Models Fails – Increased Use or Faulty Design?

QUESTION:  It seems successful trading/investing/forecasting systems work only when used by a few. When these same systems get adopted by more and more users their...

Computer Demands Humility

Armstrong 1985 with IBM XT COMMENT: Fantastic examples in the final version (free-markets-are-natures-design). You need to keep connecting the dots until the...

The Ides of March – Pi Marked the End of the Roman Republic

COMMENT: Marty, I figured out why you bought the bust of Julius Caesar commissioned by Cleopatra. He was assassinated on the ides of march and that is effectively...

Free Markets are Nature’s Design

Everything is connected in nature including how our economy functions. A reader who grasped my piece on how everything is interconnected in markets sent this in. He...

Feel the Beat & Survive

Markets oscillate back and forth. I understand that to the people just coming to this blog that this may look like the “Matrix” or having to learn a new...