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Armstrong Economics 101

Economists Do Not Try to Forecast the Business Cycle

  QUESTION: Marty, it was fantastic to meet you in Berlin and the conference really opened my eyes. Can’t wait for the sneak preview of the Trader level...

My Cyclical Approach

QUESTION:  Marty, I just watched ‘The Forecaster’ on demand, I just wanted to say it was an exceptional movie. I really enjoyed seeing your story...

Are Negative Rates Fueling Deflation?

Those in power never understand markets. They are very myopic in their view of the world. The assumption that lowering interest rates will “stimulate”...

The Superbug Has Arrived

For years, there have been warnings that the overuse of antibiotics was a danger. Now that danger has arrived. A new superbug has evolved, as life itself is always...

Do We NEED Computers to See Beyond Our Own Hardwiring?

  One of the battles in trying to produce real analysis is our hardwiring. We naturally have an attraction toward repeating sequential and palindromic numbers...

Money vs. Fiat

QUESTION: Why do you do not see that money must be backed by something tangible? ANSWER: That is an antiquated barter perspective; you are blind to reality. Your...

Efficient Market Theory vs. Behavioral Economic Theory

QUESTION: Hi,   Thanks for a great blog.    Mr. Armstrong,   I´d like to know your opinion for efficient market hypothesis. Theory states it is impossible to...

What Is the Strength of the Dollar? Its People, Military, or Commodities?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, so many of these goldbugs really hate the dollar and they argue that since Nixon closed the gold window in 1971, the dollar’s...

Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions & the Economic Confidence Model

QUESTION: Martin, Is there any conceptual common nonlinear resonance ground shared between the ECM and the underlying theory explaining LENR? JAJ ANSWER: Low...

The Closed Mind Discovers Nothing but Bias

A number of people have been writing in to say how they just discovered the mathematical constant π (pi) in a quantum mechanics formula for the energy states of...