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Armstrong Economics 101

Dr. Leo P. Kadanoff, Who Explored Phase Transitions, Died at 78

Dr. Leo P. Kadanoff, the physicist who explored phase transitions where matter transforms from one state to another, died at 78. His work brilliantly demonstrates...

Market Manipulation Confusion

QUESTION: You say that long-term manipulations are impossible while short-term manipulations have been the focus of the bankers. Do you mean to say that not even...

Twilight Zone Analysis

Some people are now claiming that investors remain trapped in “The Twilight Zone”, which they define as the transition period between the end of QE and the...


QUESTION: Marty time and price you always say are two separate forecasts. So reaching a price level means nothing unless it also meets the objective in time. So it...

Civil Unrest, Revolution, & the Phase Transition Curve

Political corruption is everywhere, no matter what country we look at. Standing up for the truth will become increasingly prominent. This is part of the War Cycle...

Quantitative Easing & the Illogical Conclusion

The ECB does not reveal in detail its QE and most people have no idea that its asset-backed securities (ABS) and covered-bond purchases are actually carried out by...

Mathematics & Dark Age

We tend to judge far too much by our own times. What cannot be overlooked is the lack of mathematics following the Dark Ages. When numbers were Roman numerals,...

The Sixth Wave

Yes, we will be addressing the seriousness of the culmination of the last three waves. 2015.75 was the start of the Big Bang — the midpoint in this immediate...

Mainstream vs. Austrian Economics

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I believe the difference between the Austrian school of economics and mainstream economics is that mainstream economists believe...

Did Cycle Theory Begin With The Discovery of a Rhinoceros?

You may not realize it, but it was the discovery of a frozen rhinoceros in Siberia that introduced cycle theory and altered everything in science igniting the Age...