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Armstrong Economics 101

NY Fed Survey: Americans Optimistic on Inflation

According to a recent survey by the New York Federal Reserve, Americans’ inflation expectations have dropped to the lowest level in three years. “How much...

Merry Christmas to our Orthodox Christian Readers

Orthodox Church in Athens Orthodox Churches in Russia, Serbia, and Ukraine that follow the Julian calendar, Epiphany is celebrated on Jan. 19, as their Christmas...

Perhaps We have Just Grown too Old reaching 235 Years – Dream On

  Theme Song for the 2024 Election   Every time​ that I look in the mirror All these lines on my face getting clearer The past is gone It went by like...

Solution to Border Crisis

QUESTION: Do you have a solution to the border crisis besides removing Biden from office? HF ANSWER: Yes. We ask Trump, the great negotiator, to cut a deal with...

What Will the Fed do in 2024?

Everyone wants to know what the Federal Reserve will do in 2024. Of course, people want to believe that the Fed will slash interest rates in the New Year. The...

Rigging Elections Worldwide?

COMMENT: Finland’s Presidential Election The only opposition candidate in the Finnish presidential election, Paavo Väyrynen, was prevented from standing as a...

White House Insists Media Praises Bidenomics

News outlets are circulating that the White House is “deeply frustrated” that the media is not glorifying the unseen success of Bidenomics. A source told the...

Understanding the Failure of QE

COMMENT: Thank you. That post finally opened my eyes. That’s why there has been no inflation with all the QE and negative interest rates since 2014 here in...

Central Banks & Complexity

  QUESTION: Why do you seem to be the only analyst who understands central banking? My son got an internship at one of the major banks in New York during the...