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Armstrong Economics 101

NY Governor Can Lock You Up & Your Contacts if he Thinks You Might be Infected

We are losing everything. New York State has proposed Assembly Bill A416, which allows the governor to lock you up. They may also lock-up any person in your family...

Civilization and its Rise and Fall

QUESTION: Concerning 911, you said the people in Guantanamo Bay are innocent so they never bring them to trial. Was that the break which set in motion the decline...

The Malthusian End – 2022

  This is a presentation in German which is about one hour. Its proposition is that the leaders of the G20, the Rockefeller and Gates foundations have been...

Zuckerberg should Should be Arrested Right Now!

We are now dealing with Facebook is deliberately interfering in elections. They shut down the page for Republicans raising money in Georgia 2 days before the...

What Can We Do?

Our brilliant politicians have destroyed so many jobs I am sure Bill Gates, George Soros, and Klaus Schwab will send them a thank you for the new year in helping to...

Once Upon a Time We were Pleasantly Surprised

  Everyone judged Susan Boyle by her looks and laughed at the thought that she could even sing. We need that wake-up call to not judge the future by what the...

PRIVATE BLOG – Happy New Year One for the Record

PRIVATE BLOG – Happy New Year One for the Record Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...