Klaus Schwab is becoming one of the most dangerous men perhaps in modern history. His World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation are the main drivers...
QUESTION: Do you ever use astrology? EK ANSWER: No. Astrology I believe really dates back to at least the Babylonians. They conducted a research project...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, My wife and I are trying to buy a second home. We live in Wisconsin and want a place somewhere warm. We are trying to buy in Florida, but...
The Seatle government has directed that people who are “essential” workers during this pandemic are to be now paid $4 per hour extra for hazard pay....
The Democrats stuffed into the $1.9 trillion stimulus package a hike in the minimum wage from $7.25 for covered nonexempt employees to $15. Many states also have...
COMMENT: A follow-up up to your blog post – look at these striking similarities. A coincidence? Probably not, eh? BC REPLY: Yes, excellent find. Once...
It is possible to include heating elements in wind turbines to prevent freezing. They never took that into consideration in Texas where the wind turbines probably...
QUESTION #1`: Marty, At the October 2019 WEC you made some eerily prescient statements about two things, first, if the market were to make a low going into the...
These environmentalists never understand that wind turbines will freeze and solar panels will be buried in snow. They seriously think that somehow renewable...