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Armstrong Economics 101

The Strange Events of Chance Behind Economic Revolutions

This is an engraving with a modern watercolor of machines making cotton thread by performing mechanical versions of carding drawing and roving in a mill in...

60% of Americans Now Want a 3rd Party – Good Bye Republicans & Democrats

Right on time, Our computer has been forecasting the political trends amazingly. I have warned that Socrates targeted 2022 as a Panic Cycle in Politics. The Biden...

Was Trump Just Naive?

QUESTION: Dear Martin, After following the Trump drama since launching his presidential campaign, we have read how he has been angry at his staff, fired one after...

Governments are Creating Horror Scenarios for Lockdowns to Retain Power

Magdalena Martullo-Blocher: “The federal government has introduced a dictatorship. He switched off democracy » The entrepreneur Magdalena Martullo-Blocher, a...

PRIVATE BLOG – Return of Inflation

PRIVATE BLOG – Return of Inflation Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Should Trump Run Again?

QUESTION: Ok, so do you think Trump should run again if he is not convicted? JS ANSWER: They have attacked Trump from every possible angle. They have gone after his...

Was Trump the Right Person?

QUESTION: Do you think Trump is the right person to lead the charge against the swamp? FM ANSWER: The one qualification Trump had was a thick skin. They have so...

Mitch McConnell – Swamp Creature

I have warned that Mitch McConnell is one of the Swamp Creatures. He has been secretly anti-Trump from the start. Sources are now saying that he is instructing...

Unemployment & Velocity

  The Democrats are really destroying jobs and the economy in order to bring about Biden’s Build Back Better agenda created by Klau Schwab. They are...

Green Protectionism

The world bashed Trump saying America First was protectionist. Those at the World Economic Forum were vehemently against him and his policies. Well now we have the...