COMMENT: A follow up to the Frank Sinatra post titled “Appropriate for our Times.” (see story) This Christmas story is deep and touching. Some people...
QUESTION #1: You do not think QAnon is real? JC QUESTION #2: Please Mr. Armstrong, the alternative media is going bazurk with all sorts of crazy talk! Now they...
The first financial capital of the United States was Philadelphia. A walk down Chestnut street and you will see all the old banks which have been turned into mostly... I saw Frank Sinatra play once at the Latin Casino in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. It was one of the most memorable...
QUESTION: What is your opinion on Kondratieff Waves? EH ANSWER: All those investigating cycles within the economy made a simple mistake. Kondratieff followed...
QUESTION: Would you agree to meet with Pelosi if it was arranged? Anonymous REPLY: No. It would be pointless. She is perhaps the vilest politician in history. She...
COMMENT: You are the first thing I read every morning. I like the fact that you avoid the conspiracy scenarios how Trump was going to send in troops and...
QUESTION: Hi Martin, the dollar’s performance bucks logic, especially with Federal Reserve officials spending all week to deny any speculation of a tapering...