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Armstrong Economics 101

Phillips Curve is Dead & the Fed Will Respond

The Phillips Curve states that inflation and unemployment have an inverse relationship. Higher inflation is associated with lower unemployment and vice versa. The...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Fed & Changing View of Inflation

PRIVATE BLOG – The Fed & Changing View of Inflation Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

We All Act in Our Self-Interest

COMMENT: IS MARTIN ARMSTRONG AND SOCRATES THE MOST HUMANE BEINGS ON THE PLANET? Dear Martin and Socrates, I have been following you two for many years, often with a...

Biden’s Best Speech Ever Reveal the Gates Agenda

Joe Biden delivered a very good speech. He read his script well and painted Trump as a white-supremacist. But the concerning element is he promised to create...

Manipulation – Confusion – Election Jitters

QUESTION: Greetings Martin I hope family is doing well. Your latest PB mentions the organized effort by gates and world economic forum to manipulate the entire...

Kondratieff Wave – COVID – Future

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I would first like to thank you for your work on the public and private blogs so we small investors can understand the greater trend...

Are Gates & Soros All-Powerful?

QUESTION: Since Soros Gates and their friends are so powerful and since they control a lot of things, do you think they could manipulate the world stock markets...

Katarina Jovanović Video

  Katarina Jovanović has done a very good job at research. What she explains here is the very essence of the difference between Socialism & Capitalism....

Markets, the Future & This Craziness

It is impossible to forecast the markets without this political war that is taking place and the organized Great Reset. People have asked what about the extreme...

Democrats Refuse to Help the People & Demand State Pensions Funds Must be Bailed Out

The Democratic leadership is deliberately trying to hurt the people in hopes that they will blame Trump. The basis for this approach is traditional during a...