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Armstrong Economics 101

PRIVATE BLOG – Panic Cycles

PRIVATE BLOG – Panic Cycles Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Re-Tweet Posts – No Problem

COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong, I notice only some of your Armstrong Economics blog postings are being put in your @StrongEconomics Twitter account. I had retweeted...

PRIVATE BLOG – Powell and the Gates Depression

PRIVATE BLOG – Powell and the Gates Depression Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

Food Shortages Set in Motion by Politicians

COMMENT:  Dear Martin, it is amazing what your computer is picking in advance. In Germany we now have the French fries crisis. (Reported now by N-TV) Do to the...

Creating a Different New World Order

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong: I apologize that I called you a fraud. Sometimes being a virgo is very hard. I became information overloaded and my tongue is very...

Socialist Are Out in Force Misrepresenting Bounce as Billionaire Profiteers of the Pandemic

In a new really socialist report, they make the big claim labeling Billionaires as Pandemic Profiteers. The heading makes it sound as if these people have...

The Press’ Conspiracy to Overthrow our Way of Life Exposed?

The Washington Times has come out with the story which is inevitable: COVID-19 turning out to be huge hoax perpetrated by media All my sources have been saying this...

How Could Socrates Forecast Food Shortages in the Cycle Years in Advance?

QUESTION: Marty; You were the only one to forecast this would be a commodity cycle driven by shortages. How can your computer forecast such things like this...

Social Distancing – The Destroyer of Civilization?

Social distancing has been a form of psychological warfare that is as old as strategies for war — divide and conquer. Preventing people from commingling may...

France Demanding to Trace Everything People Do – 21st Century Tyranny

Apple has been fighting off governments who are trying to eliminate all privacy by demanding the company provide back doors to allegedly combat terrorism. Now...