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Armstrong Economics 101

Argentina – Our Model for the What Lies Ahead?

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Great video. I traveled there back in 2011. Graffiti everywhere condemning the Junta that governed the country in the late 70’s. Beautiful...

Risk Seems to be Everywhere

QUESTION: Dear Martin, Thank you for your commitment to helping others through this unsettling time. Long before I found you, I was fascinated with the capital...

World Economy Preparing for Collapse

The world has changed dramatically in the course of this orchestrated and intended collapse of the global economy in order to launch this Great Reset. In the course...

Schwab’s Insane Stakeholder Economics is Marxism in Sheep’s Clothing

QUESTION: It would please me if you would comment on the subject of “Stakeholder Capitalism” vis-a-vis this article from Forbes. PR ANSWER: I have...

More than 20% of Businesses in Germany Fear Their Future Survival

The economic damage due to this fake coronavirus pandemic that has been touted as if it were the black plague is massive. In Germany, 21% of existing companies fear...

Did Roosevelt Adopt the Soviet Model in 1934?

QUESTION: Marty, a friend attended one of your conferences back in 1987 and you compared the Soviet and Roosevelt monetary systems. I searched your site to see if I...

Prepare for the 2nd Lockdown

Switzerland has started 2nd wave on soft side = wearing masks in public transportation + quarantine when traveling back from 29 countries (incl. US, RU, Sweden,...

Happy 4th of July

I Miss the 4th of July Parties in London...

Trading is the Only School to Learn Real Economics

QUESTION: I noticed that all the economists who are not academics are the people who actually discovered something. The academics always advocate for manipulating...