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Armstrong Economics 101

Is Anthony Fauci the Destroyer of Worlds?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you very much for your dedication and hard-work educating those people that are willing to listen. Thank you for being here...

Beware of Capital Controls

QUESTION: Sehr geehrter Herr Armstrong,ich kann mich noch daran erinnern, daß Sie empfahlen ein Konto in den USA zu haben. Ist diese Empfehlung unter den...

Is it Even Possible to Predict a 10-Year Plan?

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, I have been following your blog since I saw The Forecaster four years ago. Last fall, I was fortunate enough to attend the WEC in Orlando. I...

Is the Arrogance Over Quarantine Leading to Social Unrest?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, in previous months you made mention that Socrates was pointing to June/July as a time of civil unrest in the states, do you think these...

PRIVATE BLOG – Behind the Curtain Connections

PRIVATE BLOG – Behind the Curtain Connections Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

Ronin Capital Cannot Meet CME Clearing

  The arrogance of the medical profession who justify this insanity will result in poetic justice – they have probably lost their entire pension funds by...

Ask to be Fired if You are Told to Stay Home

Since governments are overreacting, small business owners can help employees in many states by firing them so they can collect unemployment. Perhaps we need...

Why the Quantity Theory of Money is Destroying Capital Formation

There is no question that the fundamentalists #1 Golden Rule has been when stocks crash, run to bonds. We are entering the collapse in public confidence and this is...

The Real Definition of Capitalism

QUESTION: You champion companies that then dominate the system which is the foundation of capitalism. Is this not against the people you seem to support? HF ANSWER:...

Asking for Your Help – Forward This Letter To Whoever You May Think Will Help

President Donald Trump Letter- Final This is a letter I have sent to the White House but others are sending it to the various heads of central banks. Please forward...