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Armstrong Economics 101

Drug Trade, Violence, & Capital Flows

QUESTION: Good afternoon Mr. Armstrong, First of all, thank you for all the information you give us on your blog so that we who are and live in third world...

The Mother of All Financial Crises on Schedule

QUESTION: Can you elaborate on the Mother of all Financial Crises? HV ANSWER: Sorry, no. I have put this together in a special report. I really do not wish to...

Y2K & the Two-Digit Date Systems

  COMMENT: Was Y2K a possible problem ? I was programmer then systems programmer and Senior programmer for several companies in the late 1960’s into mid...

Premiere of The Forum (Davos)

I attended the premiere of The Forum last night and got to meet those “elite” they spin such conspiracy theories about. Interestingly, the film will be...

Davos the Film Entitled “The Forum”

Marcus Vetter’s film “The Forum” is a look behind the scenes of Davos. This is an interesting film and his follow-up to “The...

Happy Thanksgiving


Governments Playing with Numbers

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong. I’ve learned more reading your blog last 4 years than working in finance for 20 years. As you say, the average employee in finance...

Artificial Intelligence v Sophisticated Analytics

QUESTION: Socrates vs Aladdin I would like to start by saying thank you for all the knowledge in an altruist way you provide to the world. Reading your blog is part...

Neural Nets v Neuromorphic Computing v Something Else?

QUESTION: You have never actually stated what type of technology is behind Socrates. Is it a neural network? Have you accomplished something nobody else has yet...

Mother of All Financial Crises

QUESTION: The distinction between the Repo Crisis and Quantitative Easing is the duration and purpose as distinguished from 2007-2009? HS ANSWER: Yes. Under QE, the...