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Using Other People’s Money

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You had said you retired from market-making in the precious metals when in the early ’80s people were claiming to sell Krugerrands...

The US Treasury Does Have the Constitutional Right to Mint Coins

QUESTION: Marty, You are wrong. The US Treasury can create the money as the Constitution says it can. Article I, Section 8, Clause 5. The Congress shall have the...

Is Facial Recognition Destroying our Right to Privacy?

The recent Financial Times investigation revealed that Microsoft had collected discreetly a facial recognition database of some 10 million images of some 100,000...

Idaho Repeals Its Entire Regulatory Code

Believe it or not, sometimes there is a glimmer of hope. The glimmer came in Idaho and stunned governments around the world. Idaho’s state legislature just...

Capital Controls v Protectionism

QUESTION: Marty; You mentioned at the cocktail party in Rome, which was spectacular BTW, that your concern would be capital controls emerging when the euro starts...

The Threat of Protectionism

QUESTION: Marty: I read you every day and I am one of the fortunate people to have a financial advisor that attends your Conference every year in the US. I am...

The Marijuana Tax – How Did it Become Illegal & Why?

  Marijuana has been prejudiced over the years by people who have never understood the risks and because there was concern that marijuana might compete with...

You Still Have to Feed a Parking Meter if you Park your Elephant

I use to live in London and I was taking some photos in a Royal Park on a Sunday. The police told me if I was going to take one more photo he would confiscate my...

The New Electronic Pre-Screening is Still a Visa

QUESTION: You mentioned that the ROME WEC may be the last in Europe. If a VISA is required starting in 2021, does that effectively mean the political end for...

Elon Musk’s War with the SEC

The SEC has moved to hold Elon Musk in contempt in their favorite court – the Southern District of New York. This has been a battle against the SEC whereby...