The Real Difference Between Left & Right
September 19, 2018
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have worked with politicians worldwide and both sides. What is your opinion of the politics that has emerged post-Great...
SocialistWhy are Robots Changing the Future?
August 30, 2018
QUESTION: Do you think that robots will eliminate a lot of jobs in the future? EH ANSWER: Yes. But you have to understand WHY are we even turning to robots. The...
Economics SocialistModern Love – Internet – Changing Patterns in Marriage/Divorce
August 21, 2018
COMMENT: I enjoyed your article on gold and how trends change with the generations. I find it very true that my children looked at me with my silver bars and just...
Economics SocialistDivorce & Collapse of Socialism
July 14, 2018
COMMENT: Your article about the IRS invalidating your passport is correct….and more. I was working contract for our US DOS as an advisor a few years back in...
Economics SocialistEconomic Migration v Welfare Migration
June 15, 2018
COMMENT: Sir, After reading your blog post about the 300% increase in the cost of healthcare for refugees, I wondered the cost in this country for illegal aliens....
Economics SocialistHow the Socialists Keep the Poor – Poor
June 12, 2018
Everyone knows I donated my time to try to reform Social Security and privatize it back in the 90s. I was even shuttling between the Chairman of the House Ways...
SocialistSocialist Demand to Outlaw All Speculation
October 23, 2013
The debate in Europe emerging is just unbelievable. The Socialists are trying to outlaw all speculation for in their mind it is speculation that is causing prices...
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