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Understanding Cycles

Why Models Fail

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Did AIG use the Black-Scholes Model and that is what created the crisis again in 2007? WJ ANSWER: No. It’s my understanding that...

Iran Political Clarification

COMMENT: Two things:   “He is remembered for publicly stating that Israel should be wiped off the face of the Earth.”   Although he is indeed...

This Flu Season Begins the Risk of a Pandemic 2018-2019

A possible new pandemic is forming from a deadly strain of flu emerging from Australia and will be headed to the UK as the normal flow of travels would take it....

Did the Economic Confidence Model Pick the Trump Tax Reform?

  It is very interesting how the 2017.9 (Nov 24/25) turning point on the Economic Confidence Model has marked a most astonishing political event. The House...

Tesla & Frequency

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Nickolas Tesla’s work agrees with your analysis. He said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of...

Cycles Suck

 COMMENT: The market is always wrong, if all people had all information the eurodollar would not move like in casino in either short or long period, it would be...

Open the Door to the Universe With Cycles

QUESTION: You wrote: “Once you begin to see the entire universe is governed by the 8.6 frequency, the doors to a hidden order spring wide open.” What...

The Majority will Come Around When they are Compelled to See Gov’t in a New Light

COMMENT: Thank you for all or your recent posts in this regard. You have often said that we will be going through times that will try a man’s soul, and yes...

Our Ignorance of Cycles Causes them to Exist?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; First I want to say I greatly admire your work. You are unbiased with markets, politics, and religion. Your cycle which targets 2032, agrees...

The Cycle Keeps Going – Everyone Gets their Spot in Fame

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I had stopped watching TV a decade ago. Then one late night in August 2015, for no particular reason, I switch on some Swedish...