Understanding Cycles
Questions About the Timing Arrays
February 15, 2016
We suggest that you watch “How to Use the Forecasting Arrays“ for basic questions on...
Armstrong Economics 101 Basic Concepts Training Tools Understanding CyclesCASH IS KING
February 14, 2016
QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I read your blog every day. Thank you but i’m having trouble figuring out where to place my money moving forward. Cash, the...
Q&A Understanding Cycles World EventsNo Need to Live in Fear; It’s the Yin and Yang of Civilization
February 14, 2016
QUESTION: Martin. …Thank you for getting back to me. I have one quick question though. What does it mean when you say “It is in the staging...
Armstrong Economics 101 Basic Concepts Q&A Understanding CyclesCycle of Peace
February 13, 2016
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, What does your program tell us about cycles of peace? Respectfully, SP ANSWER: Of course. The Cycle of Peace is the counter-trend...
Understanding CyclesGravity Being Revealed & Cycles in the Mind
February 12, 2016
While we are living in a fictional world where we assume we can manipulate the outcome of our social economy, major advancements are being achieved in the real...
Basic Concepts Understanding CyclesThe World View
February 9, 2016
The year 2015 was 13 years up from the 2002 low in the stock market following the DOT.COM bubble. That low was rather significant for many markets have yet to...
Forecasts Understanding CyclesThe 86-Year Cycle is All Around Us
February 3, 2016
COMMENT: Marty, you have done a fantastic job in teaching us to look and observe. I noticed your post on the monetary reform of Trajan in 107AD. You mention he...
Q&A Understanding CyclesA Mile of Pi
January 2, 2016
They printed out pi and rolled it out for one mile to show that there are cycles of repeating sequences within pi and that every number does not appear...
Understanding CyclesPi & Major Changes in the Monetary System
December 28, 2015
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have said that the Pi cycle shows up everywhere in finance. I have looked at the charts you posted in the Roman Empire. Has this had a...
Basic Concepts Understanding CyclesHealth Care Reaching its 51.6 Year Peak in 2017
December 22, 2015
COMMENT: You have discussed the growing threat of antibiotic resistance several times. Sadly, I must confess, I am, in part, responsible for this trend. I am a...
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