Understanding Cycles
The Foundation of Everything – Not Just a Theory of Everything
June 15, 2015
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I too have spent my entire life in Physics. You must get this Geometry of Time finished. I concur what you have done is solved the...
Understanding CyclesEverything is Complexity = Strength
June 13, 2015
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I was reading Wired and then I read your example of three states of government. I suddenly realized you discovered something that was...
Understanding CyclesAmerican Pharoah – First Triple Crown Winner Since 1978 on a 8.6 Frequency
June 6, 2015
Believe it or not, I was at a family gathering and overheard some relatives discussing the Triple Crown. They said no one had won since 1978. I did the wave math in...
Forecasts Understanding CyclesThe Schema Frequency
May 29, 2015
There are actually three dimensions to the Economic Confidence Model and no, I have never published the third for security reasons. This is the dimension that...
Understanding CyclesThe Blood Moon & ECM
May 20, 2015
QUESTION: Martin, I couldn’t help but notice that the forth blood moon will occur on Sept 28 2015. This seems to coincide with your 2015.75 turning point. Any...
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