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Understanding Cycles

Understanding We Are All Connected

COMMENT #1:  Re Institutionalizing of Real Estate Market Hi Marty Thank you for this post, I see your point that it is better that hedge funds buy real assets then...

Human Nature Cycle

QUESTION: Good Morning, If we take the statement “History repeats because human nature never changes” it would suggest that the human nature cycle will...


QUESTION: Hi Marty, I have read your blog every day for years and you really appreciate the behind the curtain look at the world. You mentioned that gold is not...

39% of American would Drive Electric Cars

The latest survey shows why this Gates/WEF Consortium has been using this virus to destroy commuting and shut down the economy. A recent study by Pew Research...

NYC in Crash Mode?

New York City is dying thanks to COVID. It has really killed Broadway. When I would often go to a play, the vast majority were tourists from overseas. I would often...

May 8th & Energy?

COMMENT: Maybe the ransomware attack forcing the closure of the largest U.S. fuel pipeline over the weekend (Colonial pipeline) may be the May 8th turning point...

Interesting Times

COMMENT: Hello Martin May 8th seemed to be a turning point and from what I have read from your readers many things happened. I found this quite strange don’t...

Comments on May 8th

COMMENT: Marty; they took a new power on May 8th here in Canada. They are arresting pastors now as ring leaders for holding church services. This was a serious...

The Real Vortex & Astrology

  QUESTION: Do you ever use astrology? EK ANSWER: No. Astrology I believe really dates back to at least the Babylonians. They conducted a research project...

The Absence of Randomness

  COMMENT: A follow-up up to your blog post – look at these striking similarities. A coincidence? Probably not, eh? BC REPLY: Yes, excellent find. Once...