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ECM & the Cycle Inversion?

The Economic Confidence Model (ECM) is a global business cycle. The entire world economy NEVER peaks and bottoms together. This latest turning point of July 12th,...

Hidden Order Inside the Chaos or “Noise”

QUESTION: Martin, I have been reading about machine learning recently and have come across a concept that I believe you might have figured out that no one else...

Economic Confidence Model – When One Nation Peaks Another Bottoms

QUESTION: Martin, I know that the basic ECM cycle’s 4.3 year decline subdivides into a 1.075 year decline, 1.075 year rise, and 2.15 year decline. However,...

2032 – How Hard Do We Fall?

  QUESTION: Hi Martin, First, I’d like to offer my condolences on your mother’s passing. It feels to me that you must take great satisfaction in...

The Crisis in Analysis – Is it Just Hopeless?

A new study has come out taking issue with the entire climate change forecasts putting forth that it is at best 45% as intense as the prognostications put forth....

The Economic Confidence Model began with Recorded History

QUESTION: How far back have you tested your Economic Confidence Model? GP ANSWER: To the start of recorded history. Each wave has been identified and numbered. It...

How Do We Really Forecast the Future?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is obvious that you have indeed been behind the curtain for your knowledge of even global politics is amazing. Kim Jong Un is here in...

The Resistance to Change is Why We have Panics

COMMENT: I have been following your blogs for the past two years and have attended the past two WECs. I read with interest your continued comments on CALPERS and...

The Economic Confidence Model & Why there are 6 waves

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Firstly – sorry to hear about the passing of your mother. Secondly – thank you very much for reading and answering...

Why People Hate? Is It for only Three Reasons?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I find it astonishing that there are people who really hate you to the core. Nobody has been a greater forecaster than you and because of...