The Game is Over – Market Perspective
February 11, 2016
The fuse has been lit. The world economy is in serious trouble and we have the worst possible people at the helm. You have Obama who wants to double the funding for...
Armstrong Economics 101 Dow Jones Forecasts GoldGold Looking into February 11
February 10, 2016
Gold closed higher today, suggesting that we should probably press higher into Friday. Our opening pivot point was 1207.57, which is still well above the closing...
Forecasts Gold Sovereign Debt Crisis2017: The Year of Alignment?
February 10, 2016
QUESTION: Dear Marty, 2011 was the intraday high in gold, but 2012 was the highest yearly closing. Add the 5 units of time bear market, that would potentially bring...
Forecasts Q&AThe Real Implications of Forecasting Are More Profound Than you Think
February 10, 2016
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I attended the Berlin Conference and I must say, you told us to expect a move between the Benchmarks in gold, and that the first quarter...
Basic Concepts Forecast Arrays ForecastsRising Systemic Risk for All Markets
February 10, 2016
We are on the precipice of what can only be described as a rising systemic risk for all markets. The Fed is now hinting that banks should prepare for NEGATIVE...
Forecasts Sovereign Debt Crisis World EventsThe World View
February 9, 2016
The year 2015 was 13 years up from the 2002 low in the stock market following the DOT.COM bubble. That low was rather significant for many markets have yet to...
Forecasts Understanding CyclesThe Dow – Down & Dirty?
February 8, 2016
The Dow is playing catch-up to the S&P 500, which broke last year’s low. The lagging Dow still reflects the difference between big international money and...
Dow Jones Forecasts S&P 500Bank Stocks & Government Debt — Things to Avoid
February 8, 2016
The two main areas to avoid are (1) ANY investment in government bonds (federal, state, local), and (2) bank stocks. These will be the two areas of major concern as...
ForecastsThe Euro Bounce
February 4, 2016
QUESTION: Marty: I have been waiting to sell the Euro on that reaction rally you have been calling for since your post on January 9th. You stated there that a...
Euro € ForecastsBlog Alerts
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