Dow Today (August 26, 2015) & the Three-Day Bounce
August 26, 2015
The cycles and oscillators still suggest a three-day bounce into Thursday. We would need a daily closing back above 16461 to suggest that the low will hold at...
Dow Jones ForecastsThe Markets From Asia & the Prospects for the Dow
August 26, 2015
Asian shares are still struggling on Wednesday as it begins to dawn on investors that the Chinese economy really is slowing. The implication for that is more...
Dow Jones Forecasts Shanghai CompositeThank You – The Future
August 25, 2015
COMMENT: I carefully read through all your missives you had sent over the weekend, highlighting the importance of Monday for the Dow, and the levels given. You...
Forecasts Q&AWestern Share Markets Rebound – Decoupling from China
August 25, 2015
The Asian contagion that began in Shanghai has now decoupled, leaving Monday the 24th as the low in Europe; it is expected to be the same in the States. A three-day...
Forecasts Reversals Shanghai CompositeShanghai Share Market Outlook
August 24, 2015
Despite the fact that the rally in Shanghai was by no means a real bull market, regardless of the percentage move back up, keep in mind that what goes up big also...
Forecasts Shanghai CompositePanic – Time to Jump on the Low?
August 24, 2015
Our models show a gap in the Reversals, which is what you look for in a panic move. We warned, “A closing below 16680 would warn of a drop to the 15500...
ForecastsFalse Move = August Low in Dow
August 23, 2015
A false move is measured from the high, not current time. Therefore, a FALSE MOVE would be two to three months from the May high in the Dow, which means an August...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election Dow Jones ReversalsMarkets in Turmoil: A False Move Preparing For Something Else?
August 22, 2015
QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for all your writings. I may not understand them all, but certainly appreciate what you are doing to inform those of us you...
Forecast Arrays Forecasts Q&A ReversalsDow Sharp Drop – CAUTION Highly Warranted
August 21, 2015
The Dow has been dropping sharply ever since it elected the first two Weekly Bearish Reversals at 17732 and 17510. The next key Weekly Bearish Reversals to...
Dow Jones ForecastsMarkets in Review
August 21, 2015
The markets are generally staging quite nicely for the ECM turning point. What generally rises into the turning point turns back down, and that which declines finds...
Euro € Forecasts Reversals USD $Blog Alerts
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