America's Economic History
The Federal Reserve: Part III – The Takeover
April 19, 2015
FDR’ Speech on the Banking Crisis March 12, 1933 Roosevelt established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in 1933, assuring people it was...
America's Economic HistoryCreating a Fourth Branch of Government
April 19, 2015
QUESTION: Hi Marty, Thanks again for the post on Griffin’s book and your short history lesson regarding the same. I’m sure your readers appreciate the...
America's Economic History Q&A USA Current EventsUnderstanding Jackson’s Bank War
April 18, 2015
Understanding Jackson’s Bank War is critical to our future. He was absolutely correct insofar following the Jeffersonian view, that a national debt would not...
America's Economic HistoryIncome Tax Has Been Highly Destructive to Society
April 18, 2015
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I understand the income tax was introduced in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve. Is it possible for a nation to survive...
America's Economic History Q&ASan Francisco Earthquake of 1906 & Regional Capital Flows
April 18, 2015
COMMENT: Hi Marty, I quite enjoy your writing. My understanding regarding the panic of ’07 is that it was at least partly the result of earthquake and San...
America's Economic History Q&AThe Federal Reserve: Part II
April 17, 2015
The amount of propaganda against the Federal Reserve is incredible. What we must keep in mind is that its original design, which lasted for about one year,...
America's Economic HistoryThe Federal Reserve: Part I “The Creature from Jekyll Island”
April 16, 2015
QUESTION: Hello Martin- Great work and I wish you the best. One question regarding your recent email alerts from your blog in regards to the “money out of thin...
America's Economic History Q&AEnd of Bonds Rise in Rates – A New Type of Inflation
April 14, 2015
QUESTION: Dear Martin, First I would like to congratulate you on your excellent analysis and market views. I am a bond portfolio manager for 25 years and I can only...
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