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America's Economic History

Draghi Lied; Claims the ECB Is Withdrawing the €500 Note for Crime and Not Taxes

Mario Draghi has claimed that the European Central Bank would withdraw its €500 highest-denomination banknote only to combat crime— not to curb the use of...

Neofeudalism vs. Socialism

QUESTION:  Martin, Your grasp (and evidently the computer’s) of historical forces–the Shakespearen drama of it all–is awesome. But you seem more...

War Games Always Go Bad

1952 CIA Document to Create Nationalism in Afghanistan QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read with great interest your insight into another motive behind the illogical...

Happy New Year — Bail-In Passed for Europe's Banks

The mainstream media is not extensively reporting on the “experimental” bail-in that the EU imposed on Cyrus. The bail-in, that they swore would never...

1816 & Global Cooling from Volcanoes

COMMENT: Marty, the NASA study is absolutely correct. I work in a different area of geological observations. When a volcano erupts, the ash creates global cooling...

The First Christmas Tree in NYC, 1931

The first Christmas tree in NYC was erected in 1931 during the worst year of the Great Depression. During this time, almost all of the foreign sovereign bonds...

Antibiotics & The End of an Era

COMMENT:  Let’s see, penicillin was discovered in 1928, and first used en mass in 1943. Today, in 2015, antibiotic resistance is really becoming a problem...

Captagon Makes ISIS Fighters Superhuman or Are They Just a Warrior Cult?

According to various sources, ISIS is using the drug Captagon to create superhuman warriors. Perhaps this is true. However, it is by no means the first encounter...

Origin of Dollar Sign

Apparently, there is some new conspiracy theory running around that claims that the dollar sign ($) is some sort of symbol for a secret banking cartel because...

Congress vs. Federal Reserve

QUESTION: the big question: WHY do USA still have the FED (a private company) dictating the USA economy????????? MK ANSWER: Very simple. The Fed was originally a...