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Ancient Economies

Valentine’s Day in History

Many of the Roman holidays were recast as Christian. For example, December 25th, Christmas was the feast day of the Roman sun god Sol. Like Labor Day, such holidays...

History is our Only Road Map to the Future

  Many people hated history class because they said it was just about a lot of wars and killing people. That was true of modern history, particularly, for they...

What will Become Money Post-2032?

QUESTION: Hello Martin, Been reading your writings with keen interest for over 15 years now since while you were incarcerated. My question is: The way you paint a...

What is Really the Foundation of Money?

COMMENT: Martin, After several years of reading your blog, I have concluded that Socrates’ prognostications appear to be spot on. I also share your assertion...

Did Caesar Issue a Coin When He Crossed the Rubicon?

QUESTION: I found it fascinating that you were able to calculate the funding of the war that Cleopatra provided Mark Antony. Have you done similar work to look at...

Military Script – Has it Been Used for Centuries?

Limes denarius (Lim-ace) or coins of the borders, were bonze versions of silver denarii struck from official dies. They may be another example of coins of necessity...

Hoards Are Vital to our Understanding of History

QUESTION: Why do you buy hoards? It is interesting. Just curious. JY ANSWER: The coinage is the ONLY way to truly confirm the history. Much of the most important...

Cleopatra’s Proxy War Using Mark Antony

COMMENT: Martin, Just a quick note to thank you for sharing your excellent knowledge on world and ancient coins. Your two recent blogs on “Hoards in History”...

Owning a Piece of History

A lot of people have been asking if I still have some ancient coins available. I will put together what I have from some hoards I have purchased for study....

Ancient Coins Soaring in Price

This is historically perhaps the most important coin of the Roman Republic. It was estimated at £500,000 and it sold for £2,700,000 ($3.5 million). This is the...