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Ancient History

Documentary: Unsustainable ‘The U.N. Agenda For World Domination’

While there has been a new Documentary floating around that insists everything is a conspiracy from chemtrails to the UN, the danger with such extreme positions is...

History is our Only Road Map to the Future

  Many people hated history class because they said it was just about a lot of wars and killing people. That was true of modern history, particularly, for they...

The Famous People who have Collected Ancient Coins

QUESTION: Marty, I heard that JP Morgan had a huge ancient coin collection of Greek and Roman coins. Have any of his coins ever come up for sale?   DX ANSWER:...

It’s About Power

  QUESTION: What do you think about the series Domina? Is it true to history? GK $22.99 on Amazon Prime ANSWER: It is an excellent series. This deals with the...

January 2024

Believe it or not, on New Year’s Eve, we still celebrate the ancient Roman religion/myth of Janus, who presided over the beginning and end. So one face looked...

Noah’s Arch Found?

  Some claim that the stories from the Bible are just stories. Academics have been famous for saying the same thing about Historia Augusta even attributing the...

Documenting History with Coins

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Your writings on Rome and the parallels are astounding because, as you say, human nature never changes. I took my family to Rome for a...

Ukrainian Ancient Coin brings more than $5 million at Auction Today

The Balkck Sea Trade – Tauric Chersonesus, Panticapaeum. This is probably the finest known Gold Stater (circa 350-300AD) of Panticapaeum, which was the most...

Cleopatra – Was she White or Black?

For whatever reason, people have tried to claim that Cleopatra was black. That is the most absurd proposition that distorts history beyond belief. When Alexander...

Happy Pi Day

Caesar’s Wife begged him not to go to the Senate in the morning. She had her vision of his death. Decimus dined with Caesar the night before his assassination...