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Europe's Economic History

Happy Easter – But Why Do We Call it Easter

Easter is historically the most confusing holiday. Besides the calculation being complex, the traditions are also a blend of various different cultures. I have...

The Treasure Fleet that Sunk & Set in Motion the Decline of Spain

There is little doubt that Spain was once the Financial Capital of the West. Their discovery of America produced mountains of gold and silver to the point that they...


QUESTION: Can you shed any light on the history of money in Portugal. There seems to be scant discussion of this subject. Thank you ANSWER: The first coinage of...

France Embracing Austerity?

The old-school ideas of economic theory will ensure that Socialism collapses and very hard at that. The German influence upon Europe has infected the mindset of...

Cars Sales Dropping as Taxes Rise

The demand for cars has been declining rapidly in Britain and that is impacting German car sales rather sharply. All price levels in cars have been declining, not...

Joseph Napoleon Bonaparte & His Exile in New Jersey

QUESTION: Years ago, while visiting Salamanca, Spain, I was told that Napoleon’s brother abandoned his rule over Spain and made off with a large cache of...

Taxes & Disasters – Always Repeat

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You wrote that the 1906 San Francisco earthquake resulted in the Panic of 1907 and laid the foundation for creating the Federal Reserve. I...

Socialism Has Destroyed the Social Structure

  Once upon a time, couples would have three to five children for that was their retirement. Family was everything. Then came Marx who effectively replaced the...

The USA is in its Death Throes

Obama is reviewing the ban on military weapons for police forces after multiple instances of deliberate attacks on police officers. Instead of prosecuting the bad...

Paris Under Water but Not as Bad as 1910

COMMENT: Here in France, they are blaming this flood on global warming. It seems that anything to do with weather they point to global warming and want more...