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Europe's Economic History

Money: What Is It? What is Interest? What is the Wealth of a Nation?

Angela Merkel and IMF chief Christine Lagarde can laugh it up as Europe burns down. The whole crisis stems from antiquated ideas that center on what money actually...

Farage on Europe at the Heritage Foundation

Nigel Farage may be the only practical politician these days because he came from the trading sector. He explains the Euro-Project and its failures. He makes it...

Margaret Thatcher Was the ONLY Head of State Who Saw the Risk of the Euro

Let’s face reality. Margaret Thatcher was a polarizing figure for most in Britain failed to understand what she really was trying to accomplish. Her whole...

There is Only One Way Out For Greece

Brussels has been dead wrong. The stupid idea that the euro will bring stability and peace, as it was sold from the outset, has migrated to European domination as...

The Dream of the Euro – Misinformed Politicians

On April 23, 1998, Helmut Kohl addressed the Bundestag concerning the introduction of the euro. In a solemn and statesmanlike manner, the prosperity of the...

Merkel’s Amnesia: What Goes Around Does Not Always Come Around

Merkel is obsessed with the German hyperinflation (which leads to demands for austerity) and assumes that her personal promise that Greece will be made to pay back...

Clarification – Government Believes it is God

Of course God cannot be overruled by government, but those in government think so. I do not believe in government as some benevolent entity that really cares about...

Greece 2017 – Sovereign Debt Cycle

There is the old saying “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts” refers to the story of the Trojan Horse. Yet in Eastern Europe, because of the defaults of the...

The 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta – a Tax Revolt Against the Abuse of Government

QUESTION:  Hello Martin, I enjoy reading your articles on historical events.  It is a refreshing change from mainstream media’s spin. It will be 800 years...

Government & God – Obama Threatens the Vatican

Anyone who thinks government respects religion had better stop watching sports and drinking too much. There is a whole different reality waiting for you. Obama...