Hoards for Christmas
November 17, 2024
A lot of emails have come in asking if I can put together some hoards of gifts for children to spark their imagination and curiosity about history. I will put some...
HoardsHoarding Gold – Boscoreale Treasure
June 3, 2024
Perhaps one of the most famous discoveries from Pompeii is known as the Boscoreale Treasure. This discovery came to light in 1895, when the treasure was uncovered...
HoardsMore Hoards to be Posted at 4PM EST
May 15, 2023
Apparently, everything we posted sold out in 15 minutes or less. We will put up a few more items at 4PM EST to allow a different time zone to have a crack at...
HoardsThe 12 Caesars
May 13, 2023
As far as the 12 Caesars are concerned, I am doing my best to assemble a few sets. These are not easy to put together. Nevertheless, I am giving it a shot to see...
HoardsHoards -Even Gold
March 10, 2023
In times of economic distress, people will hoard their wealth. This is as true in ancient times as it is in modern times. I was called in about a hoard of...
HoardsHoards in History
January 11, 2023
QUESTION: I find it fascinating how you bring much more detail to life in your work. I have read your latest book Plot to Seize Russia. I knew many of those events...
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