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Julian II – The Trump of Rome?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem to have studied history more than any professor I ever met. So I am directing this question to you. Did Rome have their Trump who...

Are Bonds Preferable to Stocks in a Crisis?

QUESTION: There are a few people coming out claiming the stock market will crash so buy bonds even though you will lose money. How can people keep calling for a...

The Decline in Quality is Part of the Cycle

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Wanted to ask you if you are noticing the same thing as me regarding the ‘quality’ of goods and services these days and if this is...

Our Traditions are Often those of the Roman Empire

QUESTION: Just curious. Did the Romans ever celebrate their founding of Rome like we celebrate the fourth of July? ZT ANSWER: Oh yes. We seem to have adopted...

Trump & China Trade Deal – Cyclically On Target? When Mexican Coins Traded at a Premium to America’s

QUESTION: Marty; Are there any cycles dealing with the trade dispute with China that are relevant? OP ANSWER: Actually, yes. The United States created a two-tier...

Central Banks v Clearing

Delos, First Central Bank QUESTION: Dear Martin Wonder if you have any insights as to the history of the bank clearing process. Was the clearing process created...

The Myth of the Plunge Protection Team

COMMENT: It looks like the Plunge Protection Team had a field day with the 1,000 rally in the Dow. Back in the 70s I read a small article near the back page of...

Janus – Goodbye to 2018 & Hello 2019

Well, we are about to celebrate the feast of Janus for who January is named after and his festival took place on January 9, the Agonium. Some try to argue January...

December 25th & Holidays

QUESTION: Hi Marty. I was wondering if you knew about the ancient Roman holidays? I was wondering if they had a big commercialized Holiday like Christmas but pagan...

German Hyperinflation & the Dawes Plan

The German Hyperinflation was by NO MEANS about inflation created by an increase in the money supply under the Quantity Theory of Money (QTM). Today, Angela Merkel...