QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The Romans seem to have issued coins to celebrate everything. Did they ever issue coins celebrating the Christian persecutions? ZR ANSWER:...
QUESTION: Sir; I have noticed that the Roman and Greek hoards of coins you have offered are silver. You do not offer hoards of bronze coins. I have two...
QUESTION: Can you shed any light on the history of money in Portugal. There seems to be scant discussion of this subject. Thank you ANSWER: The first coinage of...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am curious given your passion has been history you have explored things nobody seems to have. What has impressed me is how you pull...
QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong: Thanks for your soon reply. I ask you: 1. Why do you consider Jesse Livermore the greatest investor of all time?. 2. Which are the...
QUESTION: Your chart on the Roman money supply shows a huge spike going into 87BC. Was that just because of the Social War? GS ANSWER: No. During the autumn of...
QUESTION: You have previously said that the Persian monetary system was based on gold, the Greeks used silver and the Romans began with bronze. That actually...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read about the prostitute tokens of Rome after another one was found here in London. They say they are not sure why they exist. Some said...
QUESTION: You said the US had a two-tier monetary system under Bretton Woods. Can you explain that one, please? DHJ ANSWER: When Roosevelt confiscated gold, he...