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Daniel’s Interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

QUESTION: You have previously said that the Persian monetary system was based on gold, the Greeks used silver and the Romans began with bronze. That actually...

Prostitute Tokens of Rome & Regulation

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read about the prostitute tokens of Rome after another one was found here in London. They say they are not sure why they exist. Some said...

The US Two-Tier Monetary System that Ended in 1971

QUESTION: You said the US had a two-tier monetary system under Bretton Woods. Can you explain that one, please? DHJ ANSWER: When Roosevelt confiscated gold, he...

The First Representative Form of Money

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I was discussing the history of money with a professor at our university where they have a display of coins. I asked why were there...

The Bubble of 1825 was Also a Contagion

The Most Profitable Canal of the 19th Century Today is a Tourist Cruise Besides the speculative bubble that resulted in the Panic of 1825 involving the imaginary...

Some Bubbles are Just Outright Frauds

QUESTION: BitCoin has crashed and it looks like it will never be what people dreamed as some replacement for the dollar. Are bubbles always involving some failed...

France Embracing Austerity?

The old-school ideas of economic theory will ensure that Socialism collapses and very hard at that. The German influence upon Europe has infected the mindset of...

The Great Flood

There is little doubt that the amount of water on earth really does not change. There is simply what is known as the Water Cycle whereby evaporation moves water to...

The Noah Coinage of Phrygia

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have a question please, taking the lead from your recent article in your blog “Noah’s Ark Commemorated on Roman...

Noah Ark Commemorated on Roman Coins

QUESTION: I found your article on Noah and the flood interesting. However, are there any other sources in the West besides Gilgamesh that it seems many sites point...