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The Fate of Office: Last-In Gets All the Blame

  Herbert Clark Hoover (1874 – 1964) was the 31st President of the United States (1929–33). He was elected on Tuesday, November 6, 1928, and took office...

1936 & 2016 Cleveland Republican Conventions – Will 2017 be like 1937?

Perhaps it is just cyclical, but the Cleveland Republican Convention will be the first time that Cleveland has held a political convention since the fateful 1936...

The Other Side of a Phase Transition

QUESTION: Dear Marty, Whether in a Phase-transition or a Slingshot Move in the Dow, you made it very clear that such moves will be driven by capital inflows to the...

Why Are the U.S. Elections So Important?

Those in Washington like to blow their own horn by claiming the American president is the “leader of the free world,“ but all they do is talk among...


QUESTION: Marty, I have not seen you write about the Vikings. Did you take their rise and fall into consideration in your model? YC ANSWER: Of course. The monetary...

Cruz Defeats Trump in Wisconsin — Is This 1828-1832 All Over Again?

From the outset, inside sources have relayed that Cruz is very disliked behind the curtain. His entire strategy from the beginning has been to be the last man...

The Other Side of 2015.75

QUESTION: Marty; I attended your WEC in Princeton. It was really amazing. The year before you had pre-conference training session. That might be a good idea to...

Yellowstone National Park & the Super Volcano

Many people have written emails to ask if we have a model on Yellowstone National Park’s potential for the largest volcano eruption in history. A new study...

Have Governments Always Spent More Than Tax Revenues?

  It might surprise many, nonetheless, governments have routinely spent more than they take in from taxes. In ancient times, governments simply minted more...

Government is Always Dishonorable

QUESTION: Marty; It seems like government always has some covert agenda. The exposure of the FBI lying about being unable to hack the iPhone Apple is just typical....