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The Confidence Game Has Been Around Forever

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is it true that the central banks have been lying to us to create a false sense of confidence in order to reverse the economy? Is this part...

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, a Christian religious holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. For those who haven’t thought about...

Hiker Discovers Roman Gold Coin in Galilee

Thank you for all the emails on this discovery of an ancient Roman coin in Galilee. Yes, it is a relatively rare coin. However, it did not exist at the time of...

The Republican Establishment is Destroying the Party of Reagan

Many emails have come in asking how in the world our computer predicted 2016 would be sheer political chaos years in advance. Our political models correlate to the...

Muslim Immigrants Want Swiss to Change the Flag Because it is a Christian Symbol

Muslim immigrants will petition for a referendum in Switzerland to change the national flag. They argue it is a Christian symbol and the flag should represent the...

The King of Wall Street Dies at 86 – John Gutfreund

The man who made Wall Street famous was John Gutfreund, which he always pronounced as GOOD-friend, has died at the age of 86 who became known as “King of Wall...

Rome & the Birth of the United States

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Are you saying they never intended to create a democracy since the founding fathers created the Electoral College? ANSWER: Correct. We have...

Rights, Privileges, & Immunities Always Vanish in the Shadow of Government

The cyber police are monitoring everything. Anyone who appears to be organizing any type of protest in Germany is visited by the police. This is the new national...

Freedom of Religion & Severus Alexander (222-235 AD)

Mixing religion and politics has been a major problem throughout history. It has never worked when one religion attempts to force their particular belief upon...

Jewish Bankers vs. All Bankers

Since Jews founded Goldman Sachs, some people assume that qualifies it as a Jewish bank, which makes it evil. I think it should be pointed out that Hank Paulson,...