Why Money Need Not Be “Tangible”
September 9, 2015
COMMENT: You said: “The wealth of a nation is the total productivity of its people. If I have gold and want you to fix my house, I give you the gold for...
Ancient Economies Basic Concepts Gold Q&AJulius Caesar & the Black Basalt Bust Commissioned by Cleopatra
September 7, 2015
The black basalt bust of Julius Caesar is more likely than not the one commissioned by Cleopatra herself. We know that Cleopatra had built an elaborate shrine, or...
Ancient EconomiesMoney: What Is It? What is Interest? What is the Wealth of a Nation?
September 7, 2015
Angela Merkel and IMF chief Christine Lagarde can laugh it up as Europe burns down. The whole crisis stems from antiquated ideas that center on what money actually...
Ancient Economies Europe's Economic HistorySocialism vs. Helping the Poor
September 2, 2015
Above is a Roman Æ Sestertius (34mm, 22.18 g) of Nerva (AD 96—98), struck at the mint of Rome (97 AD). The reverse reads: “PLEBEI VRBE FRVMENTO...
Ancient EconomiesGovernment: The Most Evil Invention in History?
August 31, 2015
While we need some form of rule of law and independent body to appeal to for complaints, there is no question that government is by far the evilest invention ever...
America's Economic History The Hunt for Taxes USA Current EventsConspiracy Theories & Markets: In Search of the Gods of Wall Street?
August 14, 2015
QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong … An associate emailed me and asked me if I knew what PPT was? I told him …. I did not and to elaborate. He emailed me...
America's Economic History Q&AEconomists Say Trump is Wrong
August 6, 2015
Yahoo reported that economists deny Trump’s ability to bring jobs back to America from China and other countries. Well, the economists are wrong. All it would...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election America's Economic History The Hunt for Taxes USA Current EventsFrance Paying Informants to Confiscate Wealth
August 5, 2015
French customs officials received a tip that lead to the confiscation of a rare painting. The Guardian reported that French customs officers boarded a yacht...
Ancient Economies The Hunt for TaxesWesley Clark & U.S. Internment Camps
July 21, 2015
There is little doubt that the government has been building internment camps to use during periods of civil unrest as socialism collapses. People who think this is...
America's Economic History USA Current EventsObama & Prison Reform
July 21, 2015
Obama’s visit to El Reno Federal prison (Correctional Institution) in Oklahoma is probably one of the few acts he has done that I agree with. Like most...
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