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Rome: Another Example of Detroit?

Rome, perhaps the first European capital city to be on the verge of bankruptcy, demonstrates that in economics, nothing is eternal. Governments everywhere are in...

Farage on Europe at the Heritage Foundation

Nigel Farage may be the only practical politician these days because he came from the trading sector. He explains the Euro-Project and its failures. He makes it...

The Long Depression – the First Great Depression

What actually constitutes the Long Depression has been debatable, for at first it was called the Great Depression, and then that title was transferred to the...

Why The Federal Reserve Worked During the 1930s

When the Great Depression began, over 8,000 commercial banks belonged to the Federal Reserve System, but nearly 16,000 did not. There were still state banks that...

The Truth About the 1933 U.S. Banking Holiday

Herbert Hoover’s memoirs (1951) documents the fact that Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) played a very dirty game of politics. There were rumors that FDR would...

The Sixth Wave 2032.95

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Will you be going over the Sixth Wave this year at the WEC? What you just posted about the  Maunder Minimum is very interesting to say the...

Jade Helm

A lot of emails have been coming in about Jade Helm, a highly secret and most controversial U.S. Special Operations exercise that created a flood of conspiracy...

Money is Irrelevant – Deal With the Issue Directly

QUESTION: I understand austerity is self defeating and crippling, but is there any other way to constrain elected officials from driving into unsustainable public...

Why Was the 1933 Confiscation of Gold A “Good Thing”?

QUESTION: Why was the confiscation of gold by FDR in 1933 a good thing? ED ANSWER: What you have to understand is that Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s (FDR) actions...

The Monetary History of the Mongols

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, Attached please find a review of a book on the achievements of Khan (1162- 1227). Despite his image, this visionary leader adopted some...