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The 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta – a Tax Revolt Against the Abuse of Government

QUESTION:  Hello Martin, I enjoy reading your articles on historical events.  It is a refreshing change from mainstream media’s spin. It will be 800 years...

Government & God – Obama Threatens the Vatican

Anyone who thinks government respects religion had better stop watching sports and drinking too much. There is a whole different reality waiting for you. Obama...

Private Money

Private money has ALWAYS emerged during periods of crisis. The Feuchtwanger Cent was a “German silver” private token coin. German silver is a term for...

Why Jury Decisions Reflect the View of Government

The most famous trial where a jury stood up refusing to find the defendant guilty in the face of a corrupt government, was that of William Penn, the founder of...

The Constitution – A Lawyer’s Perspective

COMMENT: Martin, Excellent, refreshing review of the enactment and enforcement of legislation under the Constitution; your blog entry should be taught in grammar...

The Right to Notice, Ignored by Government

You cannot be found guilty unless you KNOWINGLY violated the law. The way they get around this is they PRESUME you KNOW the law. The millions of laws they...

Judge Rules Administrative Court System Illegal After 81 Years

Well it has been a long time coming, but all along there have been discussions behind closed doors (never in public) that the Administrative Law Courts established...

Money, Credit, Debt, and Derivatives

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong; Reading through you blog it seems the chronology of money begins with derivatives, credit/debt, and barter with coinage coming in much later...

Hoarding Gold in Times of Trouble

Perhaps one of the most famous discoveries from Pompeii is known as the Boscoreale Treasure. This discovery came to light in 1895, when the treasure was uncovered...

Ancient Merchant Banking – the House of Lucius Caecilius Jucundus – the Banker of Pompeii

  Merchant Banking is where banks always began throughout history. Trading in the various commodities and engaging in import/export was the path to wealth from...