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Corruption inside the Deep State

  History repeats because human nature never changes. During the Roman Republic, the name of the moneyer would appear on the coinage just as today the...

Did Caesar Really Say – Et Tu Brute!

“Et tu, Brute? — Then fall, Caesar.” These famous lines from William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, describing Caesar’s death, are how most of us...

Aliens – Are the Back to Witness WWIII?

The White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, confirmed that the administration does not believe aliens are involved. “There is no indication of aliens or...

What is Really the Foundation of Money?

COMMENT: Martin, After several years of reading your blog, I have concluded that Socrates’ prognostications appear to be spot on. I also share your assertion...

Did Caesar Issue a Coin When He Crossed the Rubicon?

QUESTION: I found it fascinating that you were able to calculate the funding of the war that Cleopatra provided Mark Antony. Have you done similar work to look at...

Military Script – Has it Been Used for Centuries?

Limes denarius (Lim-ace) or coins of the borders, were bonze versions of silver denarii struck from official dies. They may be another example of coins of necessity...

Shortage of Bread Contributed to French Revolution

Food shortages have historically contributed to revolutions more so than just international war. Poor grain harvests led to riots as far back as 1529 in the French...

Hoards Are Vital to our Understanding of History

QUESTION: Why do you buy hoards? It is interesting. Just curious. JY ANSWER: The coinage is the ONLY way to truly confirm the history. Much of the most important...

J.P. Morgan was an Ancient Coin Collector

QUESTION: Is it true that J.P. Morgan was also an ancient coin collector? DV ANSWER: Absolutely. He collected both Greek and Roman coins. This was a Syracuse...

Roman Gods & Religion Was Not as it Might Seem

QUESTION: You mentioned that Rome actually believed in the freedom of religion. I am correct then that the multitude of gods was the result of that? And you are...