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Australia & Oceania

Australia Government Ignoring the Truckers

  The Premier Gladys Berejiklian of New South Wales in Australia will probably go down in history as one of the most tyrannical politicians of all time. She...

BigTech Showing it is Part of the Great Reset Against the People

We are getting reports from Australia that Google, YouTube, Fakebook, Instagram, and even Telegram has blocked the truckers communications in Australia. What they...

Australia Adopts the Strategy of the Berlin Wall

This photo of a separated couple in Australia where there is now a hard wall between New South Wales and Queensland illustrates the insane tyranny of Australian...

Australia Flattening the Curve

  Australian police have won the International Award for the most morally corrupt police force of any undemocratic regime in human history. They have actually...

Take Back Australia & New Zealand?

They are trying to build a movement to take back their countries from excessive governments and police who forgot that they were there to protect the people, not be...

News from Sydney, Australia & Canada

COMMENT: Marty this a part of their plan right? Divide and conquer. What did this maniac expect Australia to do. Shoot the sick and burn their bodies? Can this get...

Australian Tyranny Growing?

Some readers in Australia are reporting that the government is now trying to block access to our site. You can usually circumvent that with a VPN. I find it very...

Australia Lockdown Sending in Military & Increase Police Powers Without Limitation

It is unbelievable that you listen to the things coming from the Australian government talking about two deaths due to COVID, one was 90, and the other 80, who were...