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Australia & Oceania

Australian Conservatives Win by Thin Margin

Australia’s center-right government won a surprise victory over the left. Voters backed the center-right government in a slowing economy for another three years...

Australia: One Foot in Asia v the West

QUESTION: Hello Martin Armstrong, Australia seems to have one foot in the West and one in the East. With the fall of the Western economies and then the rise of...

Yellow Vest Movement Spreads to Australia & Poland

We are witnessing the Yellow Vest Movement now also spreading to Australia. We are seeing the rise there and in Canada also against Fake News that the media is...

Victoria Australia Elections Overthrow the Conservatives in Surprise Election Result

  The Trump Revolution is unfolding everywhere. It is NOT a philosophy left or right – it is just drain-the-swamp and throw out whoever is in power. The...

Australian Camels Invading Cities?

    Most people never even knew that there were camels in Australia. Actually, they are not native and they never could have swum there. In the gold rush...

Australia Drought Sends Kangaroos invading Cities

Kangaroos are invading the Capital of Australia as the drought has created a food shortage. The “roos” have been invading the cities and they like to...

Australian Politics – 6 Prime Ministers in 13 years

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I don’t know if you’ve heard the news but here down under in Australia, the Liberal party has just replaced the current...

New Zealand – Welcome to the South Island?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Your recommendation at the WEC two years ago that the south island in New Zealand would be a safe place has really led to a lot of chaos. So...

What About Australia?

QUESTION: It is clear our government seems to be going crazy. I know you use to live here in Sydney. We met many times when you did conferences here. I also know...

Australian Government Has Simply Lost Its Mind & Violates International Law

People who think that Trump alone embarked on protectionism, really need to look around the World. Australians have been blocked by Amazon from buying anything from...